Friends, we want to give you some information so that you people do not have any problem in future. Whatever information will be given to you on this website will be given to you from the official website for an educational purpose so that you people get the information as soon as possible and we cannot guarantee that if that information is not correct, then you people will have to go and find out from the official website whether this information is correct or wrong because whatever information we will give you, we update it on our website by taking it from the official website, so if there is any error or any problem, then we cannot give information about its veracity, that is why we tell you in advance that you should know that whatever information is being given to you on our website is being given only for educational purpose so that you people can know about that information as soon as possible and if you people are seeing any error in that information or any mistake, then you people can also contact us, to contact us we have created a page called Contacts. You can contact us from there but we will not take responsibility for that thing because whatever information we are providing to you, we take it from an official website and put it on our website. This is not an official website, the website has been made only for educational purpose, so we do not take responsibility, if there is any error, then you people will have to get information about that error by going to the official website.